So I bet none of my followers noticed that i didn't post anything for months. But anyway I will explain why didn't I post anything here. So first of all i got myself a graphics tablet and being able to draw again gave me reason to live again. I literally felt like I am living again. And then I passed my exams, It felt like my life will be finally okay. But guess I was wrong, i joined an internship to finish my school. I was never into mechanical engineering and now i am in it. It felt awfully wrong, I wasn't supposed to do this. I don't wanna live doing this. And i ate myself like this for months. So here's why I didn't post anything here. I still feel same but I want to do things, I don't want to wait and lose my mind.
I hope you are doing great friends, I hope you are doing better than me and living your life in joy and happiness unlike me.
Here's a oekaki drawing I made :-DDDDD